Rust Macros: Practical Examples and Best Practices

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Aniket Bhattacharyea %
Aniket Bhattacharyea

We’re Earthly. We make building software simpler and therefore faster using containerization. This article presents practical examples for using macros in Rust. If you’re interested in a different approach to building and packaging software then check us out.

In Rust, macros are pieces of code that generate other Rust code using a technique commonly known as metaprogramming. A macro is expanded during compilation, and the output of a macro is inserted into the source code of the program.

The most famous example of a macro is println!. Even though it looks like a function and is used like a function, it’s actually expanded during compilation, and the println! call is replaced with a more complex implementation code.

In this article, you’ll see some practical examples of macros and learn some tips and tricks on how to best use them.

Rust Macros Basics


This tutorial assumes familiarity with the basics of Rust programming.

In Rust, there are two types of macros: declarative and procedural. Take a look at each:

Declarative Macros

Declarative macros are the simplest type of macro and are defined with the macro-rules! macro. They look and behave similarly to a match expression.

A match expression takes as input an expression and matches it with a set of predefined patterns and runs the corresponding code. Similarly, a declarative macro takes as input a piece of Rust source code, matches the source code with a set of predefined structures and, on successful match, replaces the code with the code associated with the matched pattern.

The following example shows a declarative macro in action:


macro_rules! greetings {
    ($x: expr) => {
        println!("Hello, {}", $x);

fn main() {
    greetings!("Earthly"); // Prints "Hello, Earthly"

Here, the macro is named greetings and is defined with macro_rules!. In the body of the macro, there is only one pattern: ($x: expr) => { ... }. This pattern matches any Rust expression (denoted by the expr type) and stores it in a variable $x. Upon matching the pattern, the $x placeholder is replaced by the value of 4x (in this case, "Earthly"), and the output of the macro becomes println!("Hello, {}", "Earthly");.

The input code is replaced by this resulting code during compilation, which means the line greetings!("Earthly"); is turned into println!("Hello, {}", "Earthly"); during compilation.

It’s possible to have multiple patterns just like a match expression:


macro_rules! greetings {
    (struct $x: ident {}) => {
        println!("Hello from struct {}", stringify!($x));
    ($x: expr) => {
        println!("Hello, {}", $x);

fn main() {
    greetings!("Earthly"); // Prints "Hello, Earthly"
    greetings! {
        struct G {} // Prints "Hello from struct G"

In this example, another arm has been added in the greetings macro, which matches the code of the form struct X {} and replaces it with println!("Hello from struct {}", "X");. The ident type is used to indicate that $x is an identifier (name of the struct). For any other code, the other arm is matched just like it was in the previous example.

In addition, it’s also possible to match repeated expressions using a special syntax:


macro_rules! add {

The add! macro has three arms: the first arm matches a single expression and returns the same expression. The second arm matches two comma-separated expressions and returns their sum. In the third arm, the first input is matched to $a. The next one (or more input) is matched to $b, where the * denotes that the pattern should match zero or more occurrences of whatever precedes the *.

In the macro body, add! is used recursively to add the inputs in $b. Here, the * denotes that the code should be generated for each part that matches the $()* in the arm. This means that the macro call add(1,2,3) is expanded to add(1, add(2,3)), which is further expanded to add(1, add(2, add(3))) and finally becomes 1+2+3.

Here, the type of $b is tt, which represents a token tree.

You’ve already seen the expr and ident types. Following are a few other types that you can use:

  • item: an item; for example, a function or a struct
  • block: a block of statements and/or an expression within braces
  • stmt: a statement
  • pat a pattern
  • expr: an expression
  • ty: a type
  • ident: an identifier
  • path: a path (eg ::foo::bar)
  • meta: a meta item that goes inside #[...] and #![...] attributes
  • tt: a single token tree
  • vis: a possibly empty visibility qualifier (eg pub)

You can find a full list of types in The Rust Reference documentation.

Declarative macros are simple to write and utilize, but their functionality is limited to pattern matching and code replacement based on the macro input. They lack the capability to perform complex operations on the code.

Keep in mind that when declaring a macro, you can’t write the exclamation mark (!) after the macro name, but it’s necessary when calling the macro.

Procedural Macros

Procedural macros are a big step up from declarative macros. Like their declarative cousins, they get access to Rust code, but procedural macros can operate on the code (similar to a function) and produce new code.

A procedural macro is defined similarly to a function, and it receives one or two TokenStream as inputs and produces another TokenStream, which is then inserted into the source code by the compiler. A TokenStream is an abstract sequence of tokens that makes up the source code of the program. This means that a procedural macro can operate on the abstract syntax tree (AST) of the Rust source code, making it more flexible and powerful.

There are three types of procedural macros:

  1. Custom derive macro
  2. Attribute-like macro
  3. Function-like macro

Every procedural macro must be defined in its own crate, which needs to be added as a dependency to any project where the macro is used. For instance, the following must be added to the Cargo.toml file of the project where a procedural macro is defined:

proc-macro = true

The macro is defined as a function with the #[proc_macro_derive], #[proc_macro_attribute], or #[proc_macro] attribute, depending on whether it’s a derive macro, attribute-like macro, or a function-like macro.

In this article, you’ll get a simple overview of the three types of procedural macros. For a step-by-step tutorial on writing these macros, you can refer to the Rust docs.

Derive Macros

A derive macro lets you create new inputs for the derive attribute, which can operate on structs, unions, and enums to create new items. The following example shows a derive macro that implements the MyTrait trait:


use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
use syn;

Definition of MyTrait:

pub trait MyTrait {
    fn hello();

pub fn my_macro_derive(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let syn::DeriveInput { ident, .. } = syn::parse_macro_input!{input};

    let gen = quote! {
        impl MyTrait for #ident {
            fn hello() {
                println!("Hello from {}", stringify!(#ident));

Following are a few important things to note:

  • The #[proc_macro_derive(MyMacro)] attribute denotes that the following function is a derive macro whose name is MyMacro.
  • The function receives its input as a TokenStream.
  • The syn crate is used to parse the input as a DeriveInput and extract the identifier of the item.
  • The identifier name is used with a # symbol, which replaces it with the value of ident, courtesy of the quote crate.
  • The quote crate is used to generate a TokenStream from the output code.

The macro can be used as follows:


struct MyStruct;

fn main() {

Attribute-Like Macros

An attribute-like macro defines a new outer attribute that can be attached to items, such as function definitions and struct definitions.

An attribute macro is defined with the #[proc_macro_attribute] and receives two TokenStream arguments. The first argument contains the inputs passed to the attribute macro, and the second, TokenStream, contains the item that it will operate on.

In the following example, a macro named trace has been defined, which operates on a function definition (denoted by the ItemFn type from the syn crate). It prints the name of the function and the arguments passed to the attribute and replaces the function definition with itself:


use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
use syn::{parse_macro_input, ItemFn};

pub fn trace(_attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let input = parse_macro_input!(item as ItemFn);
    println!("{} defined", input.sig.ident);
    println!("Args received: {}", _attr.to_string());

The macro can be used, as seen here:


fn foo() {}
/* Output:
foo defined
Args received:

fn bar() {}
/* Output:
bar defined
Args received: some_arg

#[trace(some_arg1, some_arg2)]
fn baz() {}
/* Output:
baz defined
Args received: some_arg1, some_arg2

This prints the output as denoted in the comments. Note that because the macro is expanded during compilation and has no visible output (it leaves the function definition as is), you’ll only see this output during compilation.

Function-Like Macros

Function-like macros are procedural macros that are invoked with the macro invocation operator (!). These are defined with the #[proc_macro] attribute and receive one TokenStream input, which is the code passed to the invocation of the macro. The entire macro invocation is replaced with the output of the macro.

The following example defines a function-like macro that simply prints its inputs and then replaces the macro invocation with a function definition:


use proc_macro::TokenStream;

pub fn print_and_replace(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    println!("Inputs: {}", input.to_string());
    "fn add(a:i32, b:i32) -> i32 { a+ b }".parse().unwrap()

And this is how it can be used:


fn main() {
    print_and_replace!(100); // Output: "Inputs: 100"
    add(1,2); // Not an error as the macro call brings 'add' into scope

Macro Hygiene

In the context of macros, hygiene refers to whether the macro is influenced by the external code surrounding it or not. A hygienic macro works in all contexts and is uninfluenced by the code around the invocation site.

In general, declarative macros are partially hygienic. A declarative macro is hygienic for local variables and labels but not for anything else. Consider the following example:

macro_rules! foo {
    ($x: expr) => {
        a + $x
fn main() {
    let a = 42;
    println!("{}", foo!(5));

After macro expansion, the previous code should transform into the following:

fn main() {
    let a = 42;
    println!("{}", a + 5);

However, this code doesn’t compile because the macro is hygienic and the definition of a outside the macro cannot be used by the macro.

In contrast, the following is a scenario where the macro is unhygienic:

//// Definitions in the `my_macro` crate.
macro_rules! foo {
    () => { bar!() }

macro_rules! bar {
    () => { () }

//// Usage in another crate.
use my_macro::foo;

fn unit() {

This code won’t compile because my_macro::bar isn’t imported when foo is called. This is a situation where the surrounding code (or lack thereof) affects the macro. A solution is to use $crate::bar:

macro_rules! foo {
    () => { $crate::bar!() }

Procedural macros are always unhygienic. They behave as if they were written inline in place of the macro invocation and are, therefore, affected by surrounding code.

Practical Examples of Macros

Now that you know how macros can be defined and used, you’re ready to look at some real-life examples of macros. The following examples are all taken from popular crates to give you a feel of macros in the wild. All the example codes have been significantly simplified to help you follow along with ease.

Loop Unrolling

It’s possible to use declarative macros to implement simple loop unrolling using recursion. The following unroll_loop macro can unroll loops of up to four iterations:

macro_rules! unroll_loop {
    (0, |$i:ident| $s:stmt) => {};
    (1, |$i:ident| $s:stmt) => {{ let $i: usize = 0; $s; }};
    (2, |$i:ident| $s:stmt) => {{ unroll!(1, |$i| $s); let $i: usize = 1; \
    $s; }};
    (3, |$i:ident| $s:stmt) => {{ unroll!(2, |$i| $s); let $i: usize = 2; \
    $s; }};
    (4, |$i:ident| $s:stmt) => {{ unroll!(3, |$i| $s); let $i: usize = 3; \
    $s; }};
    // ...

fn main() {
    unroll_loop!(3, |i| println!("i: {}", i));

Since a declarative macro is restricted by pattern matching and is unable to perform operations on its input, the unroll_loop macro is limited in the sense that it’s not possible to dynamically set up the recursion. You must explicitly write the cases for every integer that you want to use as the index of the loop. The solution to this is to use a procedural macro, but for obvious reasons, that’s more complex.

Here’s a real-life example in the seq-macro crate:

seq!(N in 0..=10 {
    println!("{}", N);

JSON Parsing and Serialization

The Serde JSON crate uses a declarative macro json to parse and serialize a JSON. The json macro provides a familiar interface for creating JSON objects:

let user = json!({
    "id": 1,
    "name": "John Doe",
    "age": 42

println!("Name of user: {}", user["name"]);

json is a declarative macro that looks like this:

macro_rules! json {
    // Hide distracting implementation details from the generated rustdoc.
    ($($json:tt)+) => {

json matches zero or more expressions of type tt (ie token tree) and calls the json_internal macro. The use of local_inner_macro automatically exports the inner json_internal macro so that it doesn’t need to be explicitly imported at the invocation site. This is an alternative to using $crate, as explained previously in the section about hygiene.

The json_internal macro is where the magic happens. It’s similar to the add macro you saw previously because it implements a TT muncher that produces a vec![] of the elements:

macro_rules! json_internal {
    // TT muncher for parsing the inside of an array [...]. \
    Produces a vec![...]
    // of the elements.
    // Must be invoked as: json_internal!(@array [] $($tt)*)

    // Done with trailing comma.
    (@array [$($elems:expr,)*]) => {

    // Done without trailing comma.
    (@array [$($elems:expr),*]) => {

    // Next element is `null`.
    (@array [$($elems:expr,)*] null $($rest:tt)*) => {
        json_internal!(@array [$($elems,)* json_internal!(null)] $($rest)*)

    // Next element is `true`.
    (@array [$($elems:expr,)*] true $($rest:tt)*) => {
        json_internal!(@array [$($elems,)* json_internal!(true)] $($rest)*)


For more details, check out the source code.

Server Route Creation

The popular Rocket framework uses attribute-like procedural macros to create server routes. There are several macros that correspond to HTTP verbs, such as get, post, and put. You can use them with a function definition to annotate the function to be invoked when an HTTP request is made to that route:

fn hello() -> String {
    "Hello, World!"

The macros are defined using another helper macro—a declarative macro named route_attribute:

macro_rules! route_attribute {
    ($name:ident => $method:expr) => (
        pub fn $name(args: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
            emit!(attribute::route::route_attribute($method, args, input))

The actual attributes are then defined as follows:

route_attribute!(route => None);
route_attribute!(get => Method::Get);
route_attribute!(put => Method::Put);
route_attribute!(post => Method::Post);
route_attribute!(delete => Method::Delete);
route_attribute!(head => Method::Head);
route_attribute!(patch => Method::Patch);
route_attribute!(options => Method::Options);

As an example, after the route_attribute macro is expanded, the get macro is defined like this:

pub fn get(args: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    emit!(attribute::route::route_attribute(Method::Get, args, input))

emit itself is a declarative macro that generates the final output:

macro_rules! emit {
    ($tokens:expr) => ({
        use devise::ext::SpanDiagnosticExt;

        let mut tokens = $tokens;
        if std::env::var_os("ROCKET_CODEGEN_DEBUG").is_some() {
            let debug_tokens = proc_macro2::Span::call_site()
                .note("emitting Rocket code generation debug output")



Custom Code Parsing

The SQLx macro uses a combination of declarative and procedural macros to parse and verify SQL queries during compilation, as shown here:

let usernames = sqlx::query!(
SELECT username
FROM users
GROUP BY country
WHERE country = ?

The query macro is a declarative macro defined in this link:

macro_rules! query (
    ($query:expr) => ({
        $crate::sqlx_macros::expand_query!(source = $query)
    ($query:expr, $($args:tt)*) => ({
        $crate::sqlx_macros::expand_query!(source = $query, \
        args = [$($args)*])

The expand_query macro is a function-like procedural macro defined in this link:

pub fn expand_query(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let input = syn::parse_macro_input!(input as query::QueryMacroInput);

    match query::expand_input(input, FOSS_DRIVERS) {
        Ok(ts) => ts.into(),
        Err(e) => {
            if let Some(parse_err) = e.downcast_ref::<syn::Error>() {
            } else {
                let msg = e.to_string();

Tips for Using Macros Efficiently


It’s essential to know how to use macros efficiently. To that end, the following tips can help.

Know When to Use Macros vs. Functions

Although macros and functions behave similarly, macros are more powerful because they can generate Rust code. However, due to the power of macros, they’re more difficult to write, read, and maintain than functions.

In addition, macros expand during compilation, resulting in an increase in the binary’s size and compilation time. Therefore, it’s necessary to exercise restraint when employing macros and only use them when functions fail to provide the solution you need.

Here are a few scenarios where macros may be preferred over functions:

  • Creating a domain-specific language (DSL) that extends the syntax of Rust.
  • Moving computation and checks to compile-time. For example, validating an SQL query during compilation so that there’s no need to perform the check at runtime, thus reducing runtime overhead.
  • Writing repetitive or boilerplate code. For instance, you can use a derive macro to auto-implement a trait so that you don’t have to manually implement it.

Make Sure Macros Are Readable and Maintainable

Since macros operate on Rust code, if you’re not careful, they can be difficult to read and maintain. This is especially true for procedural macros since they’re more complex.

Generous documentation is your friend here. You can also try to keep your macros simple by extracting the macro logic to a separate function or macro. The following example from the Rust documentation shows this in action:

pub fn hello_macro_derive(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    // Construct a representation of Rust code as a syntax tree
    // that we can manipulate
    let ast = syn::parse(input).unwrap();

    // Build the trait implementation

Here, the actual implementation is extracted inside impl_hello_macro. This keeps the actual macro lean and simple.

Handle Errors in Macro

Since macros are inherently complex, it’s a good idea to provide thorough error messages that clearly indicate what went wrong and, if possible, how to fix it. To do so, you can use panic in a procedural macro:

pub fn foo(tokens: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {

Or you can use the compile_error macro, which raises a compiler error:

macro_rules! give_me_foo_or_bar {
    (foo) => {};
    (bar) => {};
    ($x:ident) => {
        compile_error!("This macro only accepts `foo` or `bar`");

give_me_foo_or_bar!(neither); // Error: \
"This macro only accepts `foo` or `bar`"

You can also use the proc_macro_error crate that provides a powerful API for handling errors in macros.

Test Your Macros

Like any other unit of code, a macro needs to be thoroughly tested. However, the usual ways of testing don’t apply to macros since they’re expanded at compile-time.

To test your macros, the enums crate can be used. This crate provides a compile_fail that expects a Rust file to fail to compile and also checks that the correct error message is printed. Another pass function is provided, which ensures a given Rust file compiles successfully.

You can use the crate as shown here:

fn test_macro() {
    let t = trybuild::TestCases::new();

Here, assume that invokes some macro in an invalid way. The trybuild crate ensures that the erroneous invocation does not compile. If you have a file named tests/my_macro.stderr, it checks that the error message produced during compilation matches the content of this file.


Macros are a high-powered feature in Rust for code manipulation and complexity reduction. In this tutorial, you learned about declarative and procedural macros, their syntax, real-life examples, and efficiency tips.

If you’re using Rust macros like a pro and looking for ways to further streamline your development process, you should check out Earthly. It offers slicker, reproducible builds, making it a valuable tool in your Rust development toolbox.

Find all code from this tutorial on GitHub. For further study, visit the Rust docs, The Little Book of Rust Macros, and more practical examples on GitHub.

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Aniket Bhattacharyea %
Aniket Bhattacharyea

Aniket is a student doing a Master’s in Mathematics and has a passion for computers and software.

Writers at Earthly work closely with our talented editors to help them create high quality tutorials. This article was edited by:
Bala Priya C

Bala is a technical writer who enjoys creating long-form content. Her areas of interest include math and programming. She shares her learning with the developer community by authoring tutorials, how-to guides, and more.


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