Golang Workspaces

5 minute read     Updated:

Ryan LaForge % Josh Alletto %
Ryan LaForge and Josh Alletto

We’re Earthly. We make building software simpler and therefore faster using containerization. This article mentions Monorepos as a great use case for Go Workspaces. Earthly is particularly useful if you’re working with a Monorepo. Check us out.

The Problem

In a previous article, we wrote about how you should be using replace in go.mod files for modules local to the repository, like in a large monorepo This works because we can safely make assumptions about the organization of the checked-out directory structure. But what to do when you are working on dependant modules spread across multiple repos?

For example, say you are working on a project that uses several Golang modules. Each will have their own go.mod and their own dependencies. Furthermore, each may have their own repository. Within your project you have a library, maybe a parser for example, that is used in several other modules in your project. You want to do some work on the parser, and then you want to also start using these updates in other modules in your project.

Before Go version 1.18, you’d need to pull the repos locally and then edit each module’s go.mod with a replace to be able to use and test the local changes. That might look something like this:

module my-module

go 1.18

require github.com/jalletto/parserGo v0.0.2

replace github.com/jalletto/parserGo => ./local-path/parserGo

This works for small projects, but you still need to remember to remove the replace before pushing your code since you can’t be certain other devs will have the same local set up as you. And if you are working on a project with dozens of modules, you can see how this would become cumbersome. These are the problems Go workspaces aim to solve.

What Are Golang Workspaces?

Go introduced the concept of workspaces in 1.18. Workspaces allow you to create projects of several modules that share a common list of dependencies through a new file called go.work. The dependencies in this file can span multiple modules and anything declared in the go.work file will override dependencies in the modules’ go.mod.

To further illustrate how this works, let’s take a look at a simple example. First, we’ll set up the project the old way, using replace. After that, we’ll take a look at how workspaces can improve this process and make our lives easier.

The Old Way

I have a library with one function in it that adds two numbers together. I want to do some work on that library, and I also want to do some work on a module called service that uses that library.

package adder

func Add(x int, y int) int {
    return x + y

I’ve set the module path to be a github repo. Let’s say this is where the module will live in the future, but for now I haven’t pushed anything; the module only exists locally.

module github.com/jalletto/adder

go 1.18

Now, in the same directory, I have another module that uses my adder library.

package main

import (

func main() {
    sum := adder.Add(1, 2)
    fmt.Println("Sum is ", sum)


Here’s what my directory looks like to start with.

├── adder/
│   ├── go.mod
│   └── adder.go
└── service/
    └── main.go

Notice I don’t have a go.mod yet in my service. Let’s try to create one.

$ go mod init github.com/jalletto/service

go: creating new go.mod: module github.com/jalletto/service
go: to add module requirements and sums:
        go mod tidy

That worked and created a go.mod as expected.

module github.com/jalletto/service

go 1.18

But when we run go mod tidy to try to add our requirements we get an error.

go mod tidy

go: finding module for package github.com/jalletto/adder
github.com/jalletto/service imports
        github.com/jalletto/adder: cannot find module providing package github.com/jalletto/adder: module github.com/jalletto/adder: git ls-remote -q origin in /Users/joshalletto/go/pkg/mod/cache/vcs/d8fe82965d5fea8be6f27791ff06a6f2a77b0ca4d1c4921d77852ef26a2d5ba5: exit status 128:
        remote: Repository not found.
        fatal: repository 'https://github.com/jalletto/adder/' not found

Which you would expect, since we haven’t pushed our code yet. If it had existed, it would have pulled it and added it to our go.mod. Either way, we want to set up our project to use the local version of adder.

Go has had a solution for this for a while. We can use the replace flag.

go mod edit -replace github.com/jalletto/adder=../adder

This will update our go.mod file.

module github.com/jalletto/service

go 1.18

replace github.com/jalletto/adder => ../adder

We can now run go mod tidy without getting an error. That will add this line to our go.mod.

require github.com/jalletto/adder v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000

Now we can run our program without error.

$ go run .
Sum is  3

With this set up we can make changes to our local adder library and be sure that they are used when we run service/main.go. The main drawback is that we need to remember to remove this line from our go.mod before we push.

replace github.com/jalletto/adder => ../adder

Not a big deal for this tiny program, but in a large monorepo this is not ideal.

Refactor With Go Workspaces

To start, I removed the replace from ./service/go.mod. The whole point of workspaces is that we won’t be needing to use replace for developing locally. In the parent directory, I created a go.work file. So now my directory structure looks like this:

├── adder/
│   ├── go.mod
│   └── adder.go
├── service/
│   ├── go.mod
│   └── main.go
└── go.work

Then I can run go work use ./adder. This will add a line to my go.work file.

use ./adder

And if I try to run my program, it works again!

$ go run ./service/main.go
Sum is  3

Now I can keep working on my adder library and test it in my service without having to worry about managing multiple go.mod files.

Don’t Push Your Workspace

Remember, workspaces are personal to each developer and should be kept out of the source code. So, add it to your .gitignore or delete it before you push changes. Plus, the cool thing is, if I include modules in the workspace that require my adder library, they’ll default to the local version I’m editing, no need to tweak anything in the go.mod of each module.

If you’re loving the efficiency of Golang Workspaces, you might want to take it up a notch. If so check out Earthly for more streamlined builds. It could be the next tool to add to your developer toolkit.

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Fast, repeatable CI/CD with an instantly familiar syntax – like Dockerfile and Makefile had a baby.

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Ryan LaForge %

Ryan is a full-stack staff engineer at Earthly. Equipped with a rich background in web development Ryan prides himself on being a generalist capable of contributing in many different areas.

Josh Alletto %

Josh is a writer and former devops engineer. He’s passionate about coding, learning, and sharing knowledge.
✉Email Josh✉



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