Working with GitHub Actions Environment Variables and Secrets

13 minute read     Updated:

Kumar Harsh %
Kumar Harsh

We’re Earthly. We make building software simpler and therefore faster. This article is about GitHub Actions, if you’d like to see how Earthly can improve your GitHub Actions builds then check us out.

When you’re working with continuous integration, continuous delivery (CI/CD) platforms, you’ll work with environment variables and secrets, which are resources that help you conceal and reuse sensitive information, like keys and certificates, in your CI/CD processes. These environmental variables and secrets also make it easy for you to manage your application environments by maintaining configuration sets that you can swap and use when running in different environments. You can also utilize expanding functions (ie functions that substitute environment variable values at runtime) and dynamic string templates (ie a method to help create multiple strings out of a template literal with different sets of environment variable values) to reuse secrets and simplify your code.

In this article, you’ll learn how GitHub Actions work, when you should use them, and how to get started. To follow along, you’ll need a GitHub account to fork the repo and try out GitHub Actions. You’ll also need some familiarity with YAML, the standard language for writing and managing GitHub Actions configuration files.


What Are GitHub Actions Environment Variables and Secrets?

GitHub Actions’ environment variables and secrets are just like regular secrets. They help you hide and reuse sensitive information in your workflows. In most cases, you can define environment variables under an env node in your workflow configuration file.

While environment variables are simple dynamic values that are plugged in at runtime, secrets are more secure and are encrypted at rest. They’re usually managed by dedicated tools known as secrets managers to help create and view secrets while maintaining encryption. GitHub offers a built-in secrets manager tool in the form of Actions variables.

When to Use Environment Variables and Secrets

Before you start implementing environment variables and secrets, here’s a quick summary of when you should use each of these methods:

  • Secrets are the most secure method of storing sensitive configuration data. It’s recommended that you use secrets to store any keys, certificates, or other sensitive information that control access to resources or permissions in your systems.
  • Environment variables are beneficial when storing nonsensitive environment-specific data, like resource locators, domain information, and other environment details.
  • Hardcoded information should only be opted for in cases where you’re not looking to secure and reuse a piece of information. However, this is usually rare in real-world projects that make use of multiple environments in the development process. If you have a small project that may not be used or changed much, you can consider hardcoding the information in it to save time and effort when building the app. However, you should not do this for a production-level application.

Implementing Environment Variables and Secrets with GitHub Actions

Now that you know when to use environment variables and secrets, the following will help you get started using them by showing you a few common GitHub Actions use cases.

Getting the Repo Ready

To make the tutorial easier, a GitHub repo with a Gatsby project has been created and hosted. You can get started by forking the repo to your own account.

Once you’ve forked the repo, set up a simple GitHub Actions workflow to build and deploy the app to GitHub Pages, a static file hosting service offered by GitHub.

To set up the workflow, you need to set up GitHub Pages. Go to the Settings tab, click on Pages from the left navigation pane, and click on the Source drop-down in the Build and deployment section:

Enabling GitHub Pages access

Choose GitHub Actions from the drop-down list to enable GitHub Actions to deploy to GitHub Pages. Then click on the Actions tab on the repo page:

GitHub Actions from a GitHub repo

Next, search for Gatsby and click Configure on the workflow meant to package Gatsby sites:

Configure the Gatsby deploy workflow

Now you should see the workflow YAML file in an editor where you can make changes to it before pushing it to your repo (and setting up the workflow in action). However, do not make any changes at this point. You’ll revisit this file later on in the tutorial. For now, click on Start commit > Commit new file:

Commit the GitHub Actions workflow config

Click on the Actions tab again to view the details of your workflow runs. A new, active run for the Gatsby workflow you just created should be on the list:

Active and running Actions runs

Wait for the build to complete (this should take two to three minutes). If it succeeds, this means that you’ve successfully set up GitHub Pages and GitHub Actions for your repo. You can view the live site at https://<your GitHub username>

Deployed site

If the build failed, you’ll need to investigate the logs to see what went wrong. In most cases, it’s either a warning or error being thrown by your app when the build command is run, which causes a build failure in GitHub Actions. To fix the failure, you can make changes locally and push it to GitHub, which will automatically trigger another build.

You’ve now finished setting up the project. Next, you’ll learn how to set up environment variables and secrets in this project.

How to Define an Environment Variable for a Step

Defining an environment variable for one step is relatively simple. Open the .github/workflows/gatsby.yml file and add the following steps after the Checkout step:

- name: Print host name
  run: echo "Host $HOST_NAME"
    HOST_NAME: Earthly
- name: Print homepage URL
  run: echo "Host https://$"

This will add two steps to your Actions workflow. The first step defines a local env value that is used when running the echo command. The second step attempts to access the env value to use in a URL. This is what it will look like once you’ve added these steps:

Updated GitHub Actions workflow
Updated GitHub Actions workflow (Source: github)

To keep things simple, the environment variables have been statically defined in the workflow configuration file. For increased security via encryption, you can also use the GitHub repo environment variables (or secrets) to pull in the values of these variables from the GitHub repo variables when the workflow is triggered. More on this toward the end of the tutorial.

When you’ve finished adding the steps, click on Start commit > Commit changes (just like you did previously). Now, if you go back to the Actions tab, you’ll notice another run has popped up:

New Actions run

When you click on it, you’ll see more details and find two jobs—build and deploy:

Actions run details

At this point, you’ve added the two print steps to the build job, so click on the build job to see the output logs of its execution. You’ll find your new steps at the third and fourth positions on the list. Click on the right-pointing arrows beside them to expand these steps and view their details:

Build step’s output logs

You should see that the Print host name step was able to print the value of the HOST_NAME variable since it was defined locally in the step. In comparison, the Print homepage URL step could not print anything for the HOST_NAME variable since the variable wasn’t available in its scope.

In the next step, you’ll see how to define variables that can be used across all steps in a job.

How to Define an Environment Variable Across a Job

To define an environment variable across a job, update the .github/workflows/gatsby.yml file to move the env description from the Print host name step to its parent (ie the build job):

Updated gatsby.yml
  # Build job
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+   env:
+       HOST_NAME: Earthly
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Print host name
        run: echo "Host -> $HOST_NAME"
-       env:
-         HOST_NAME: Earthly
      - name: Print homepage URL
        run: echo "URL -> https://$"
      - name: Detect package manager
Source: github

Commit the file and head over to the run details to view the output of the job:

Run execution logs

You’ll notice that both steps can now access the value of the HOST_NAME variable and print the expected outputs. However, the HOST_NAME variable can currently only be accessed in the steps defined in the build job, and not in other jobs or the rest of the workflow. You’ll learn how to define variables that are available to the entire workflow in the next section.

How to Define an Environment Variable Across a Workflow

You can also define environment variables in the scope of the entire workflow to be used by all jobs. To do that, move the env description from the build job to higher up in the workflow YAML, right after the defaults key:

Variable moved to the workflow scope
      shell: bash
+ env:
+   HOST_NAME: Earthly

    # Build job
      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-     env:
-         HOST_NAME: Earthly
Source: github

To test whether the other job can access this variable, you’ll need to add a step to the deploy job that prints the value of the same variable. Copy the Print host name step to the deploy job’s steps before the Deploy to GitHub Pages step:

Step added to the deploy job

Commit the file and go to the run details to see the output of these two jobs. As you can see, the build job works perfectly. It’s able to pull in the value of the HOST_NAME variable from the workflow’s scope:

build job execution logs

The deploy job can also do this:

deploy job execution logs

This indicates that the variable has been set up correctly in the workflow’s scope. Next, you’ll see how to store sensitive and/or long pieces of information, like SSL/TLS certificates, in your GitHub Actions workflows.

How to Store a Certificate in GitHub Actions

You might encounter use cases where you need your GitHub Actions workflows to be able to access certificates to sign builds or attach SSL certificates/keys to your builds. These keys/certificates are highly sensitive, and you don’t want to expose them in your build logs. This means you need to hide them behind GitHub repo environment variables instead of defining them in the workflow config file itself.

You also need to encode them to ensure that special (non-alphanumeric) characters may not be misinterpreted by the build environment when fetching the value from the repo env variables.

Encode and Decode Secrets

To encode and decode secrets, let’s use the following self-signed certificate sample (taken from the IBM docs and shortened):

        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number:
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: CN=OsaIccTLSServer
            Not Before: Jan 29 16:51:44 2016 GMT
            Not After : Jan 28 16:51:44 2019 GMT
        Subject: CN=OsaIccTLSServer
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
        X509v3 extensions:
            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
                X509v3 Basic Constraints:
Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption

To store this in a GitHub repo environment variable, you’ll need to encode it using the Base64 encoding scheme. Base64 is a good option for this job since it’s one of the most popular lossless encoding schemes for ASCII data and can be easily decoded using one of the many utility libraries available across various languages and frameworks.

To encode it, you can use a CLI tool like openssl on macOS or certutil on Windows. You can also use an online tool like Base64 Encode to encode data on the fly. Here’s what the encoded string would look like:


You can now use this in a GitHub repo environment variable.

Add Encoded Secrets to GitHub Actions

Head over to the Settings tab on your repo’s page and click on Secrets and variables > Actions from the left navigation pane. Click on the New repository secret button to create a new repo environment variable:

Create a new repo-level environment variable

Set a name for your secret and paste the Base64 encoded string. Once done, click on the Add secret button:

Add the secret’s details

Next, add a step in the build job of your .github/workflows/gatsby.yml workflow to decode and print the value of this environment variable:

- name: Print certificate
  run: echo "$ {{ secrets.BASE64_CERTIFICATE }}  " | base64 --decode
Certificate print step

Commit the file and head over to the build execution logs to see this step in action:

Decoded certificate in execution logs

Please note that the secret’s details were printed to the logs in this part of the tutorial only for ease of demonstration. In real-world applications, this is highly discouraged and can lead to security breaches. Instead of printing the secret to the logs, you should store the output of the decode command in a temporary file and use it during the build process.

Local Secrets and ENVs

One of the challenges when working with environmental variables and secrets is being able to debug the build process with these in scope. In fact, making changes to GitHub Actions in general can be a slow process once your build begins to take several minutes.

Using Earthly within GitHub Actions is a great way around these problems. We can convert our Gatsby build to an Earthfile and call earthly in our CI.

The Earthfile would look like this:

FROM alpine:latest

    FROM alpine:latest
    RUN apk add --update nodejs npm
    RUN npm install
    COPY .
    COPY log.txt .
    COPY package-lock.json .
    COPY package.json .
    COPY gatsby-config.js .
    COPY data/ data/
    COPY src/ src/

    FROM +deps
    RUN npm run build
    RUN echo "Host -> $host"
    RUN echo "URL -> https://$"
    RUN --secret cert echo "$cert" | base64 --decode
    SAVE ARTIFACT ./public AS LOCAL public

And in GitHubActions, and on our local dev machine, or in any other CI we could run the build like this earthly +build --host=bla --secret cert, passing in the args and secrets we need.

Args are available to any step after they have been declared, similar to GitHub Actions above. But secrets must always be scoped explicitly to a specific run step, preventing any potential code inject attacks from occurring outside that line.

    FROM +deps
    RUN npm run build
    RUN echo "Host -> $host"
    RUN echo "URL -> https://$"
+   RUN --secret cert echo "$cert" | base64 --decode
    SAVE ARTIFACT ./public AS LOCAL public
Secret cert is only accessible on the line where it’s explicitly made in scope

Extra Tip: Read .env File From GitHub Actions

An .env file is a plain text file used to store configuration variables and sensitive information as key-value pairs. Usually you wouldn’t have it in your git repository because you’d not want to commit potentially sensitive information to git. But workflows differ and so if you want GitHub Actions to load Environmental Variables from an .env file, then you can do so very easily using the dotenv-actions action:

- name: Load environment variables
  uses: dotenv-actions/setup-dotenv@v2
    dotenv_path: .env
  run: echo "Host -> $API_KEY"

Default Environment Variables

Every workflow in GitHub Actions has certain environmental variables already set. Here are the most commonly used ones:

Here’s a shorter list of 10 important GitHub Actions environment variables:

  1. GITHUB_WORKSPACE - The default working directory for steps and location of your repo.
  2. GITHUB_ACTOR - The name of the person or app that initiated the workflow.
  3. GITHUB_REPOSITORY - The owner and repository name.
  4. GITHUB_EVENT_NAME - The name of the event that triggered the workflow.
  5. GITHUB_SHA - The commit SHA that triggered the workflow.
  6. GITHUB_REF - The branch or tag ref that triggered the workflow.
  7. GITHUB_JOB - The ID of the current job.
  8. GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER - A unique number for each run of a workflow.
  9. GITHUB_WORKFLOW - The name of the workflow.
  10. RUNNER_OS - The OS of the runner executing the job (Linux, Windows, macOS).


In this article, you learned when to use environment variables and secrets, as well as how to scope environment variables across workflows, jobs, and steps. You also learned how to store sensitive information like certificates with GitHub’s repository secrets. If you’re looking for a simpler experience managing environment variables and secrets, check out Earthly, an build tool that can run everywhere. Including in GitHub Actions.

Earthly + GitHub Actions
GitHub Actions are better with Earthly. Get faster build speeds, improved consistency, and local testing along with an easy-to-use syntax – no YAML – and better monorepo support.

Go to our homepage to learn more

Kumar Harsh %
Kumar Harsh

Kumar Harsh is an indie software developer and devrel enthusiast. He is a spirited writer who puts together content around popular web technologies like Serverless and JavaScript.

Writers at Earthly work closely with our talented editors to help them create high quality tutorials. This article was edited by:
Mustapha Ahmad Ayodeji
Mustapha Ahmad Ayodeji

Ahmad is a Software developer and a Technical writer with so much interest for Django related frameworks.



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